Home Dog 5 things that affect dogs at Christmas

5 things that affect dogs at Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner and we must prepare to welcome this time so loved and awaited by so many. However, it is also a time to take some precautions with our dogs at Christmas, to avoid the stress or change in behavior that all the typical activities of the holiday season can produce.

In this article, we will tell you the 5 things that affect dogs the most at Christmas and how you can prevent them to protect your furry friend and spend this time happily with the ones you love.

5 things that affect dogs at Christmas

  • Fireworks
  • New and unexpected visits
  • Consumption of different foods
  • Travel and vacation
  • New members in the family


If you have pets at home, you surely know that unexpected noises such as gunpowder at the end of the year parties upset dogs. This is because the hearing of our dog friends is much more powerful and sensitive than that of humans; and due to their protective instinct, they are always alert to any event that is strange to them.

The loud and unexpected noise of fireworks can produce moments of stress that are truly frightening for your pet and quite uncomfortable for you. So, the general recommendation is to avoid the use of fireworks (even to avoid injuries and burns to humans).

If you are in a place where you cannot avoid the loud noises of fireworks, try to get your pet as far away as possible, in a place that is familiar to him. You can distract him with his favorite toys or snacks and accompany him so he feels safer. Avoid locking him up or isolating him as his distress will be much worse since your dog will think that he was punished and will not understand why. If possible, try to pet him and play with him to help calm him down.

Remember that your pet is reacting as if it is in serious danger. Therefore, be careful with open doors, since out of fear, your dog can escape from home and hide anywhere. 

New and unexpected visits

Visitors can also be a factor that affects dogs at Christmas. In this holiday season where people usually gather to pray novenas and share with family, your dog can also get stressed by this.

If your pet is not used to receiving visitors, or to moments of festivities with other people, loud noises, and a lot of food; You should prepare him so that these moments are not so stressful for him, nor for the owners of the house.

Before taking any action, you must know what your dog’s reaction is to visitors and understand the reason for this. Something you should keep in mind is that your dog sees your house as his territory, and if someone new arrives, he will want to defend what is his. Therefore, he avoids locking him up because this practice will become something that you will not be able to correct over time.

Before the visitor you are expecting arrives, you can take your pet to the park or for a walk, so that he or she is more relaxed when friends or family arrive home.

To prevent your dog from becoming anxious with visitors, the first thing you should do is let your pet smell the visitors and have them greet him in a calm tone. It is good that you notify the people who visit you so that they also come prepared. 

Associate visits as something positive for your pet; every time the bell rings or there is a knock on the door, you can give them a small reward to prevent your dog from feeling in danger. Avoid yelling and punishment, as this will increase stress.

Important: In times of COVID-19, it is recommended that you avoid visits and carry out all safety protocols to avoid becoming infected and infecting your loved ones. This will be a different Christmas, but very special. Here we leave you some tips to have a happy virtual Christmas.

Consumption of different foods

Just as it happens with adults, at Christmas it is possible that our furry friends eat different foods and even suffer from food poisoning. At this time you should intensify care and avoid giving him foods different from what he is used to. If you are still in doubt about what foods to give your pet, we leave you this article where we tell you what dogs can eat.

Remember that if your dog shows signs of poisoning such as vomiting, fever, or diarrhea, you should not hesitate to take him to the vet and hydrate him constantly.

Travel and vacation

Going on vacation or traveling is also a factor that can affect dogs at Christmas. With the end of the year, trips and vacations are more frequent. On some occasions it is possible to travel with our furry friends, especially if the trips are nearby, and if the place where you stay is safe for your pet. However, these changes in the environment can cause some type of stress for your dog.

If you travel by car, it is important that you take due care to avoid being distracted while you are driving. Protect your pet with the proper seat belt and take breaks whenever you can so he can drink water and relieve himself.

Make sure your pet has a comfortable space. If the place where he is has a change in climate, you should intensify his hydration, and provide ventilation, shade, and protection for his paws in case the floor is hot.

If you prefer not to travel with your pet, a great idea may be to leave it in a trusted daycare, where in addition to having a safe and open space to play, it can live with other dogs and have fun. Remember: some pet insurance policies have daycare services. If you want to know more we recommend: Pet insurance, what it is, and how it works.

New members of the family

Many people can receive a new dog friend as a Christmas gift. If you decide to responsibly adopt a dog at Christmas time, you must prepare its space and allow time for your pet to settle in with the new member of the family. All cases are different, and there is no one but you to know what your pet’s possible reaction will be.

It is best to present pets in a neutral place. After you have both met and taken a walk together you can go home. Generally, when it comes to puppies or sterilized dogs, the adaptation process is much easier.

So, now you know which are the 5 things that affect dogs the most at Christmas. Now remember to take the necessary precautions to protect them and spend a peaceful holiday with your furry friend.

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