Home Care Of Your Pet Learn about alternatives to be ecological with your pet
Care Of Your Pet

Learn about alternatives to be ecological with your pet

We know that you love sharing with your furry friend. With their joy, you enjoy the best moments. But have you wondered what the ecological impact of pets is? Recent research has found that they are also contributing to the pollution of our environment.

We want to tell you how to take care of pets and the environment with simple actions. These will also help you improve your relationship with them and get to know them better. They can also help you look for better and cheaper options to pamper them. Read until the end to learn more!

In this content you will learn:

  1. The ecological footprint of pets
  2. Tips to reduce your environmental footprint
  3. Waste treatment

The ecological footprint of pets

The “ecological footprint” measure refers to the surface area necessary to produce the resources consumed and to absorb the waste that is generated. Some studies, such as the one in the journal Environmental Research Letters published in 2017, indicate that this measurement in pets is still uncertain. However, they point out that that of a cat could be 0.15 hectares and that of a medium-sized dog is 0.84.

The previous figure would indicate that this is greater than that of a truck. For example, that of a Toyota Land Cruiser is 0.41 hectares. This has been calculated considering agriculture for animal consumption. Dogs and cats are responsible for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to food production, there are other products that generate an ecological impact for pets. New services have become popular that you surely use to provide well-being. Services such as clothing, childcare, and transportation could emit greater amounts of CO2.

We know that every day your actions seek to reduce the environmental impact. Therefore, below you will find how to continue sharing with your unconditional companion and be green at the same time.

Tips to reduce your environmental footprint

Below, we share the main tips to reduce the ecological impact of pets:

1. Recycle your pet food packaging

We imagine that you are familiar with reusing bags when going to the supermarket. Also, in your home you are looking for how to use large plastic containers. You can do the same with your pet’s packaging or look for recycling strategies in your city to take away this waste.

2. Create a toy with recycled materials from your home

Some of the traditional dog toys are made from non-recyclable plastics. To discourage the production of these materials, we tell you an excellent alternative. You can use items from your home and turn them into homemade toys of your pet’s favorite.

The materials could be boxes, rolls, and cardboard papers. With a little creativity, they will become plastic bottles with surprises, special socks, frozen fruits or juices, fabric teethers, and various types of balls.

3. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products

Just like us, there are pet cleaning products that cause negative effects on the environment. Check the components of what you buy to find friendlier alternatives.

In local pet businesses, you may find healthier, more economical alternatives that help you be eco-friendly with your pet.

4. Avoid contamination of your environment by pet waste

It’s not just that it’s bad taste to find waste on the street. Feces can generate bacteria that harm other animals and humans. In winter seasons, they can even reach water sources and contaminate them further.

Later we will tell you what is the ideal treatment that you should give to this waste.

5. Try not to travel by car

It will always be fun to take a walk with your pet. If you take him to the vet, a walk will give you some time for recreation and exercise.

6. Adopt, don’t buy!

Adopting is one of the actions, in addition to sterilizing your pet, to reduce the population of street animals. It will also be a way to give a new opportunity to a cat or dog that needs it.

Finally, we want to recommend that you observe your daily routine and thus establish strategies to reduce the ecological impact on your pets. The smallest action can turn into big habits.

Waste treatment

As we mentioned before, it is essential that you know how to clean your pet’s feces. It is estimated that, for example, adult dogs produce 600 grams of feces daily. For this, a large number of plastic bags are used. To counteract this, there are those who use pits with catalysts to accelerate decomposition.

There are also some pet waste collection services, which treat this waste in an environmentally friendly way. Contact someone in your city and thus, you can contribute to the reduction of global warming.

If neither of the two alternatives that we mentioned above are viable for you, there are other solutions. Choose eco-friendly or biodegradable bags or buy sand free of harmful chemicals. Keep this in mind when adapting your home for your pet.

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