Home Dog Tips Pet-Friendly Home: tips to create a pleasant space
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Pet-Friendly Home: tips to create a pleasant space

If you are waiting for the arrival of a new pet, or feel that you want to adapt your house so that it becomes a friendlier space for your furry ones, this publication is for you. We will tell you the best tips to turn your house into a pet-friendly home, where your four-legged friends feel comfortable, and most important of all: safe. 

When you have pets, one of the most important things you should think about is whether the space where they will live is safe. It is necessary to adapt the spaces to ensure that your pets can live peacefully without being in danger. Adapting your house and turning it into a pet-friendly home does not require large or expensive investments. Just a few changes that will make your space a safe and pleasant place for your pet.

Pet-friendly home: 3 tips to make your home more pet friendly

Safety first

  • Keep cables and toxic products away
  • Be careful with toxic plants
  • Adjust the exits of the house

Define the limits and spaces of your pet

  • Adapt the space for your pet’s feeding  
  • Establish a place for your pet’s needs

Adapt the floors of your house

We wish you an excellent read!

Security before everything

Security is the main characteristic of a pet-friendly home. It is very important that you prepare your house for the arrival of your dog. It is no secret to anyone that pets are curious and can often get into mischief that ranges from biting furniture, shoes, or even walls.

– Keep cables and toxic products away

To protect your pet from its own curiosity and mischief, it is essential that you collect all types of loose cables or secure them very well so that your pet cannot reach them. It is also very important that you place your medicines and cleaning products such as detergents, oils, chlorine, or fumigators, in a place where your dog cannot reach them.

– Be careful with toxic plants

It may be that your pet likes to explore and play with the plants you have at home, you will have to educate him to teach him that he should not eat or play with them. However, to avoid any type of risk, you must make sure that the plants you have at home are not poisonous in any way and cannot pose any harm if your pet ingests them.

– Adjust the exits from home

On many occasions, dogs love to go for a walk and smell the smells of the street, but you must be very careful because due to carelessness your dog can run away and without knowing the way back home, he can get lost. To prevent this from happening, and have a safe house for your pet, you can adapt, if necessary, small doors or grilles that prevent your pet from leaving unexpectedly.

2. Define the limits and spaces of your pet

Before starting to make any changes or renovations at home, you must decide if your pet can move through all the spaces in the home and also assign it a place where it will have its bed and access to its food.

On many occasions, dogs are free to move around and live in all spaces of the house, however, it is necessary to stipulate a place where your pet understands that it will always find its food and where it can lie down. In most cases, owners allow their dogs to climb onto their beds or sofas. If this is your case, you must keep this furniture free of any artifact that could cause accidents to your pet, such as foods that can be toxic to dogs, glass objects, porcelain, etc.

Many people who allow their dogs free access install small mattresses or beds in different places such as the bedroom, living room, or library, so that their pets can feel comfortable anywhere in the home, having their own space.

– Adapt the space for your pet’s feeding

In addition to having defined feeding schedules, it is important that food and water containers remain clean and located in a strategic place; Protected from other animals or even from rain and sun. Don’t forget to constantly change your pet’s water, it is very important that they consume fresh, clean water.

If you want your dog to have more comfort when feeding, you can install a type of table to place the dishes and water bowls at the height of your dog. With this, your dog will not have to bend down as much to eat, especially if it is a large dog.

– Set a place for your pet’s needs

In most cases, dogs get used to doing their business in the park, on the street, or outside the house, especially if they live in an apartment. If in your case, your pet has a patio or a space to do his business at home, it is important to educate him from a young age, or from the moment he arrives at your house, so that he recognizes the place and it is constantly sanitized to avoid any type of infections.

3. Adapt the floors of your house

On some occasions, it may happen that the floor of your house is made of a slippery material that does not give your furry safety to walk and has problems balancing. It may also happen that the floor of your house is made of materials such as carpet, which are more difficult to clean and have a great capacity to accumulate mites or fleas and represent a problem not only for your dog but for your entire family.

If you find yourself in any of these conditions, consider changing your floor for one that is more resistant and easier to clean.

We hope that these tips help you turn your house into a pet-friendly home so that you can safely share and enjoy your spaces with your pets.

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