Home Dog Tips How to keep my dog ​​clean
Dog Tips

How to keep my dog ​​clean

How to keep my dog ​​clean for longer, without having to increase the frequency of baths and trips to the vet.

How to keep my dog ​​clean

One of the most important care for the well-being of a pet is related to hygiene. Keeping your pet clean not only guarantees that your house or apartment is clean and scented, but it is also a key factor in preventing possible diseases that may be caused by infections or bacteria. 

Bathing your dog is, without a doubt, an effective solution to keep him clean. However, it is not advisable to bathe your pet too frequently as this can have significant negative consequences such as skin irritations and bad odors. 

Taking these recommendations into account, you must surely be wondering how to keep my dog ​​clean without having to bathe him? In this post we will give you some tips so you can keep your pet clean for longer. 

Necessary care

There is a lot of care you should take with your pet to ensure it is healthy and happy . However, in this article we will tell you about some basic care necessary to ensure that your dog is healthy and you can have a healthy coexistence. 

The topics we will see are:  

  • How to cut a dog’s nails 
  • How to brush a dog’s teeth 
  • Care related to your pet’s skin and coat

How to cut a dog’s nails 

Keeping your dog’s nails of a good size will not only help minimize the noise that his paws generate when walking, but it will also prevent possible injuries to your pet’s fingers due to having nails that are too long. It is important to keep in mind that if your dog walks on a free area where the surface is asphalt, for example, he probably will not need a nail trim.

To cut your dog’s nails, you must use a special nail clipper , since a dog’s nails are much stronger and thicker than a person’s. 

Prevent your dog from being afraid of nail clippers; for this, you can get him used to giving him a treat after cutting his nails from a young age.  

Be very careful not to hurt your dog’s fingers and do not cut the nails too short. You must remember that your pet does not wear shoes, therefore, his nails also serve as protection for walks.    

How to brush your dog’s teeth 

Another important care that must be taken with your pet to keep it clean for longer is taking care of oral hygiene. Like humans, dogs have sensitive teeth that, if not cared for, deteriorate over time, presenting problems such as tartar, cavities and serious infections in their teeth. 

To brush your dog’s teeth you will need a special toothbrush for dogs, as well as toothpaste. It is important that you keep in mind that using the same toothpastes used in humans is quite harmful to your dog’s gums and teeth due to components such as fluoride. 

To know how often you should brush your pet’s teeth, you need to take your dog’s age into account. If he is still a puppy, up to 8 months old, his teeth are not yet fully formed, so dental cleaning may be less frequent. 

If you have an adult dog, it is important that you brush its teeth once or twice a week. Be careful not to exceed the number of times you brush your dog’s teeth, as you may irritate the gums and wear out your pet’s teeth. 

Another tip to take care of your dog’s teeth is to give him raw natural bones. These will help keep your teeth clean naturally , strengthen your jaw and prevent diseases such as gingivitis. Remember to choose a bone proportional to the size of your dog so that he does not swallow it and avoid chicken and hen bones.

Skin and coat care 

One of the parts that last the least clean time in pets is the fur or skin. Perhaps it is the most visible part where you can notice that your dog needs cleaning. To keep your dog’s skin or coat clean for longer, you can use the famous dry bath. 

Different products are available on the market for grooming your pet, especially dry bath products. But what is a dry bath? It is simply a matter of “bathing” your dog with a special powder for him. Powders are a practical solution that helps keep your dog clean for longer without needing to increase the frequency with which you bathe your dog. 

It is important that you choose a powder suitable for your pet, and that you be careful when applying the product to your dog, avoiding delicate and sensitive areas such as the eyes, nose or mouth. 

Although talcum powder is a solution that helps keep your dog clean for longer, this practice does not replace bathing and other care such as cleaning the paws after going for a walk.

We hope these tips help you keep your pet clean for longer, and you can enjoy their company at home.

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