Home puppy How to train a puppy

How to train a puppy

The arrival of a puppy into the home is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable moments that a family or person can have. In this article, we teach you how to train a puppy so that you have an excellent coexistence with the newest member of the family. 

Training a puppy and keeping it happy is not an easy task. In fact, many people often claim that raising a puppy is similar to raising a human child. You must be aware of his well-being and this does not only mean giving him water and food. It is important that you prepare your home and adapt it for its arrival; That is, you define a space for it and protect it from some dangers such as unprotected balconies, fireplaces, swimming pools, etc. 

Puppies have a lot of energy, so one of the main keys to knowing how to educate a puppy is knowing how to occupy him and entertain him with healthy habits so that he does not destroy your furniture or shoes and learns to relieve himself in the right place. 

We will tell you some important tips so you can learn how to educate your dog’s child. Remember that educating your puppy, according to your needs, is key to healthy coexistence between your pet and all the members of your home.  

Define your pet’s spaces and show them to them 

One of the key steps to training a puppy is to define the places that your pet will have within your home. That is, what will be her own spaces, such as the place where her bed will be located, the place where she will relieve herself, and where her food and water will be located? If, for example, inside your house you plan to restrict some places, it is important that you also teach her where she can and cannot go. The first weeks are crucial to teach him whether or not you want him to enter your room, climb on your bed, sofa, and other areas. You must teach him the limits at home and also understand what his own space is. 

Set the space where your pet should relieve itself 

Teaching a puppy which is the right place to relieve itself is one of the challenges that most requires dedication and patience; Well, there is nothing more complicated than a dog that pees all over the house. 

At this point we recommend that you use all possible tools, you can teach him by placing simple pages of newspaper in the indicated place, you can also try plastic cones if he is a male dog. 

There are also different products on the market such as drops that stimulate, through smell, your puppy to do his business in the right place. To prevent your puppy from starting to mark territory throughout the house, you can also use different products such as special sprays or even home remedies such as vinegar so that your dog does not even go near the sofa, for example. 

How to train a puppy not to get into mischief at home 

Not all puppies are the same, and it depends a lot on the breed and environment your dog is in to know how much time and attention you will have to dedicate to his education. 

Golden and Labrador, for example, are extremely affectionate and intelligent dog breeds, who at the same time are full of energy and love to get into mischief. Suppose you have a puppy of one of these breeds inside an apartment with little open space and you leave it alone much of the time. Most likely, when you get home, you will find a big surprise; a bitten furniture, a torn shoe, or a destroyed plant victim of your dog. 

This does not mean that dogs of other breeds do not get into mischief; It is important that you spend quality time with your puppy regardless of his breed. We leave you some tips so you know how to train a puppy and prevent it from destroying your home. 

Give toys to your pet:

There are puppies who like toys that make noise. There are others who prefer bones that they can eat for hours and hours. There are puppies who like cloth toys and others who prefer plastic ones. You should take the time to get to know your pet and discover what type of toy they like the most. This way, when you are away, your puppy will stay entertained with his toys, and the likelihood of him destroying your furniture will be lower. You can even give yourself that pair of old shoes that you were thinking of throwing away so that they have fun and don’t destroy your newer ones. Learn how to make homemade toys here.

Try to keep products out of their reach: 

Leaving any type of product within your puppy’s reach is a big mistake. Although your dog may not attract much attention, most puppies are curious and due to carelessness you can end up in a veterinary emergency. So don’t leave grooming products like soaps and detergents, garbage, and even food to prevent your puppy from making messes in your house.

Stimulate it when necessary    

If your puppy learns to pee in the right place, for example, you can reward him, extra affection or a cookie will be more than necessary for your dog child to understand that he did something good and is being rewarded for it. In the same way, when he makes a mistake you should reprimand him, so he will understand that what he did was wrong. 

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