Home Dog Tips 3 basic tips to have happy pets
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3 basic tips to have happy pets

Keeping pets happy is one of the most common concerns for their owners.

Times have changed, and today, having a pet at home is not about the time, when the animal lived in the yard of the house and took care of the family against possible threats. 

Nowadays, pets, especially dogs and cats, are another member of the family. For this reason, we will present below the best tips to have happy pets in your home. 

Happy Pets: Loved Pets

If you are reading this article it is because you surely love your pet and want to make it happier. Although it may seem obvious, love for your furry friends will be the basis for ensuring happy pets at home. Having and caring for a pet represents patience, dedication, and even discipline. Learn the 3 basic tips and ensure the happiness of the most pampered people at home.

  1. Dedicate quality time to them

We lead such a hectic life, between work and routines, that the time we have to spend with our pets is little. If you have a dog, for example, you know that there is no greater happiness than when you come home. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been away from home for an hour or a week, they will always be happy to have you around. 

Play with your pet, pet it, talk to it, and once a week dedicate more time to a routine walk. In addition to taking care of their health, with these walks, you will also be creating important bonds. A pet that is left alone for a long time can cause damage to attract attention, such as biting wooden furniture, destroying cushions, and even destroying your shoes. In this situation, neither you nor your pet will be happy.  

If you have a very busy life during the week and you don’t stop at home on the weekend either, consider the possibility of taking your pet with you to different events. Maybe a family lunch or a meeting with friends is a good time to share with her. 

Thanks to the increase in pet ownership in Colombia, the pet-friendly trend is promoting the adaptation of different commercial establishments. So, find out to which stores, restaurants, and shopping centers you can go with your pet. 

It is important that you keep in mind that not all places may be suitable for your pet, even if they are pet-friendly. For example, taking her to a shopping center or restaurant that is crowded and noisy can cause stress. 

2. Take care of your health 

The second tip to have happy pets is to take care of their health. It is important that you keep her dewormed, that she has all her vaccinations up to date, and that you guarantee these basic care for her health: 

  • Skincare

Use products to protect it from fleas and ticks. One of the health problems that most affect pets is related to the skin. So he is always aware of his appearance. If any part of the body is licked or scratched insistently, it will be important that you check if there is any type of irritation. Comb it with a brush appropriate for its breed or skin type at least once a week and maintain hygiene with baths and haircuts if the breed requires it. 

  • Food and weight 

Try to maintain a balanced diet to have happy pets. They love to eat, but it is important that you maintain a healthy diet to avoid overweight problems and even poisoning. Find the most suitable type of food for your pet. There is a wide variety of products on the market that are classified according to age, weight, and breed; This way you can have a more accurate guide on the correct feeding of your furry children and guarantee your pets are happy. 

Always keep your pets hydrated with clean, fresh water. Don’t forget to change the water when it has been standing for a long time and wash the dishes frequently to avoid illnesses. Pets need to drink plenty of water to prevent diseases such as urinary tract infections and dehydration in general.   

One of the main symptoms of a pet’s illness is a lack of appetite. So always check that your pet is eating its routine daily portion and keep foods that can harm it, such as chocolate or chicken bones, out of reach. Also, be careful with toxic products such as fumigators and detergents. It is valid that you check the state of his feces because when you take him to the veterinarian, they will ask you.    

  • Teeth

Taking care of pet teeth is not an easy task, however, it is necessary. Ensuring healthy oral hygiene for your pet will not only end bad breath problems but will also prevent the growth of possible infections. 

For this, it is important that you keep in mind that you should not use the toothpaste that you normally use at home on your pet. These creams have components that turn out to be very strong for our furry friends. So at your veterinarian or in any pet store you can find special creams and toothbrush to care for your pet.

  • Physical activity 

In addition to having weight gain problems, a sedentary pet can also develop socialization problems. Domestic animals that are not used to doing any type of physical activity are more aggressive and can develop different diseases, including those that have to do with the cardiac system.

To have happy, active, and healthy pets, the ideal would be that you take between 2 and 3 daily walks with your pet, lasting between 20 and 40 minutes. If you don’t have time, you can look into finding a daycare so your pet can be active and in contact with other dogs, or even look into hiring a pet walker.

3. Invest in training and discipline 

You may think that the more freedom your furry friend has, the happier they will be. However, a pet without limits or basic education for coexistence at home can become a problem. 

Happy pets have specific routines, they know the right place to relieve themselves, they know their limits within the house and they love to occupy their intelligence with simple training such as learning to shake their paw, sit down, or get up. 

Give him toys or special snacks to pamper him and reward him when he does something you taught him.

These are the 3 basic tips to keep your pets happy, tell us in the comments if you have any additional tips to guarantee the happiness and well-being of our furry friends.

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