Home Dog Advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog

Advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog

There are many myths and beliefs regarding the castration of animals. Learn what the advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog are and make the best decision to keep your best friend healthy. 

As owners of our pets, we always want the best for them. However, many times we do not know what is really best for them. Therefore, it is important that you know what the advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your pet are. 

There are those who support castration and also those who are against it, it will be important that you evaluate all the points and speak with your pet’s veterinarian. Depending on the characteristics of your dog, you will be able to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog. 

But, before starting to name the pros and cons that will help you decide about sterilizing your pet, it is good that you know how the procedure works. 

Sterilization in male dogs

Popularly known as castration, it is a relatively simple operation, where the reproductive organs (testicles) of the dog are removed. It is a routine intervention that, if there are no complications, can be something simple. 

Sterilization in female dogs 

In the case of females, sterilization is a little more invasive, since the ovaries and also the uterus are removed. For this, it is necessary to open the abdomen through a longitudinal incision. This surgery requires a little more care, but in general, if there are no complications, recovery is quick.  

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sterilizing My Dog 

Although it is a routine procedure, which is often carried out during mass sterilization sessions, it is important to take into account the care and conditions in which your furry friend is in order to perform this intervention, as not all cases are the same. Know the advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog: 


Without a doubt, sterilizing your dog is one of the best decisions you can make to have happy pets. There are several aspects in which sterilization improves the quality of life of dogs, and coexistence within the home and with society in general. 

  • Avoid irresponsible reproduction 

It is no secret that there are a large number of homeless dogs in the world. The foundations for dogs without owners cannot cope, and public organizations find no other solution than to sacrifice the animals. Sterilizing your pet will help prevent the irresponsible reproduction of these animals. 

  • Disease prevention

Sterilizing your dog can bring multiple benefits to its health. From avoiding the common problems of testicular cancer to prostate infections. 

If we talk about females, in addition to avoiding unwanted pregnancy, you will also avoid possible psychological pregnancies, in which symptoms such as vomiting, amenorrhea, and dizziness may occur.

  • Improvement in behavior 

One of the most visible advantages and one of the main reasons why people decide to sterilize their pets is because of the change or improvement in their behavior. 

Sterilizing your dog can bring you countless advantages and save you a few headaches. Sex hormones such as testosterone (which are produced in the dog’s testicles) are the main causes of behavioral problems.

  • Security

Once your pet is sterilized, it will behave in a calmer manner, so you will no longer suffer because when you open the door to your house, your dog wants to run away.

Having a sterilized pet also greatly reduces the risk of theft. This is an important tip if you want to know how to take care of a dog in the face of insecurity since some of the most frequent reasons for pet theft are illegal breeding and dog fighting. When your pet is sterilized, it also stops being a target for crime.

  • More sociability with other pets

Our pets can detect the testosterone level of other dogs, which is why fights often arise between them. When you sterilize your pet, it no longer produces sexual hormones, therefore it will not want to fight with other dogs, and it will not be a target for fights from an unsterilized dog.

  • Do not mark the territory 

It is no secret to anyone that one of the ways a dog marks its territory is to lift its paw and urinate on the spot. 

To prevent your dog from marking territory inside the house or in inappropriate places, sterilization is the best solution. With this operation, you can even forget about walks in the park that have become a nightmare due to the constant pushing because your dog will no longer want to mark territory on every tree, every corner, or every tire of a car that is in the park. path. 


  • Weight gain and sedentary lifestyle 

One of the most important cares you should take with your pet after sterilization is special attention to its diet and its willingness to exercise. Hormones cause your dog to expend energy; When he no longer produces them, it is very likely that he will gain weight and lose his willingness to exercise. You must take care of his diet and not let him become a sedentary pet, since these problems can develop into other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, hip dysplasia, and obesity. 

Attention: This does not mean that your pet’s personality will change, it will be the same affectionate friend, but a little calmer and sleepier. You must take care of your diet!

  • Increase in size

If your pet is sterilized before finishing the growth process, it is likely that its height will increase a little more than normal.  

  • Development of some types of cancer

Spayed dogs are more likely to develop cancerous diseases such as osteosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma.

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