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Three essential outdoor accessories to adopt for your dog!

Considered to be man’s best friend, dogs are part of more than one in four households in France. In addition to ensuring the...


Protect your pet and your wallet with dog liability

Welcoming a dog into your life brings immense joy and unparalleled companionship. As a full member of the family, their safety and well-being...


Why is it important to insure your pet?

Ensuring the well-being of your animal necessarily involves its health, which has a close link with the quality of the veterinary care it...

Dog Training Tips
Dog Tips

Why train your dog?

Educating your dog well is an effective way to teach him the basic rules of life in society and to establish a relationship...


Where to Place Your Dog’s Kennel in the Garden: Expert Advice

The dog kennel is an important piece of equipment for the well-being of your pet. It offers shelter and a comfortable space in which...

puppy crying at night
Dog Tips

My Puppy Crying at Night: Tips to Finally Find Calm

Puppies crying at night is a common challenge for new pet owners. This behavior is not just a test of patience, but also...


Advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog

There are many myths and beliefs regarding the castration of animals. Learn what the advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing your dog are and make...

Dog Tips

3 basic tips to have happy pets

Keeping pets happy is one of the most common concerns for their owners. Times have changed, and today, having a pet at home...


How to train a puppy

The arrival of a puppy into the home is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable moments that a family or person can...


Exercises for dogs at home during quarantine

Exercises for dogs at home In this article, we will tell you a series of exercises at home for dogs so that you...